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Things to Consider while Hiring a Personal Trainer

Writer: allentowngymsallentowngyms

Updated: Feb 14, 2020

This is why I do what I do at Gyms in Allentown PA.

I worked as a Personal Trainer Allentown PA for about 2 years back in the days. I don’t like to talk about that period of my career too much because what I had experienced during that time doesn’t make for good dinner table topic. But since I founded Allentown Fitness and started helping hundreds of men and women lose fat, build muscle, and gain confidence, I realized the deep impact that my short stint as a paramedic had on my career trajectory.

One of the requirements for completing my education as a paramedic was to shadow the Emergency Room for a few days. I can still remember the weird excitement that I felt on that day. It was almost like going to a car race because you expect to see some crashes. Hours passed by and the ER was just dead (no pun intended). With just about an hour left on my shadowing session, all of a sudden you can see that something is about to happen. The energy in the room changed, and you can see that the ER medical staffs have switched into high alert.

Sure enough, within 5 minutes, an ambulance came rushing in. The paramedics quickly unloaded the patient and wheeled the gurney into the room. The patient was a young lady in her early 20’s, but she looked so tiny that you could easily mistake her to still be in middle school. A quick rundown of the patient revealed that she had a history of bulimia nervosa, an eating disorder in which the act of self-induced puking of the food immediately after eating was practiced.

She weighed in at just 80 lbs, suffering from a coma due to ketoacidosis – an abnormally high amount of acid build up in the bloodstream. Her condition quickly worsened. She can no longer breath on her own due to the constant vomiting that is blocking her airway. The nurses and doctors had to intubate her, shoving a giant piece of metal down her throat to force the trachea open while they insert a plastic tube so that they can get air to her lungs.

Next thing you know, the patient started convulsing and goes into a seizure. Her tiny body twitching violently as if making one last-ditch effort clinging on to this world. Then she goes into cardiac arrest.

I couldn’t stand the sight and sound anymore while they tried to resuscitate her and left the room.

At the time, I couldn’t understand how a beautiful girl in the prime of her youthful life would willingly do this to herself. A few years later, after Personal Trainer Richmond BC and helping numerous clients to attain weight loss, fat loss, and health improvement results, I was finally able to understand the psychology behind such behavior.

I realized that although I am not able to help those who are already suffering from eating disorders since it is more of a psychological issue of body dysmorphia, I am 100% able to help those who are taking their first steps in the journey of weight and fat loss to do it in the right way to avoid such tragedy.

I am able to help people discover the joy of having boundless energy. The strength and balance to jump into doing most activities on a whim. The liberating realization that they can actually eat well and eat often and still lose weight, lose fat and lose inches. I am able to help people to identify with how strong, how tough, and how confident they are instead of a number on the scale.

If you know anyone that can benefit from the right approach to weight and fat loss, please, please encourage them to reach out to a qualified professional. You could be saving their lives.


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